What can Feng Shui bring for me personally? Feng Shui comes originally from China and serves there harmonization of building projects but in the furnishing
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Gemmotherapy – buds for health Acne, joint problems, migraines, fatigue, stress, hyperacidity, tension, cholesterol, diabetes … Gemmotherapy is an essential natural aid for many diseases.
Eye discomfort due to work at the screen – what helps? In many professions, working at a computer screen is one of the typical activities
Fit into spring with the power of organic collagen In the lighter season it goes again out into nature. We need lots of fresh air
The Thai massage is much more than a physical short vacation Those who travel in Asia, not only look at the many national temples, but
The best tips against hair loss Beautiful, full hair is part of today’s ideal of beauty. In the case of hair loss, the root is
Home remedies for stomach aches and stomach problems Home remedies are a quick helpful way to get relief from stomach aches and stomach problems. One
Carefree sleep despite allergies: mattress protection for allergy sufferers and sensitive people For people with allergies, a mattress protector has the advantage of creating a
Healthy teeth through proper nutrition Little sugar, lots of fruit and vegetables, regular brushing of the teeth – already one may be pleased about healthy
How to recognize chronic Lyme disease The beautiful weather now invites you to enjoy nature. But beware: small arachnids lurk in the shelter of tall