Exhaustion or burnout – symptoms and preventive measures

Symptoms and measures in case of exhaustion

Burnout is a state of total exhaustion that makes it almost impossible to participate in everyday life and work. Not only managers and stressed professionals can suffer from burnout, but also housewives and even the unemployed. Here is an overview of symptoms and preventive measures.

The 12 phases of burnout

A burnout proceeds in 12 phases. At the beginning, the patient feels that he can no longer manage his normal daily workload, but he tries to compensate for this by working all the harder. If this does not work, phase two follows, in which the affected person works longer and invests even more energy.

In phase three, one’s own needs are increasingly neglected, while in phase four, external and internal conflicts are suppressed in order to maintain a semblance of normality. One’s own performance and profession are now defined as the purpose of one’s life. The affected person withdraws more and more, social contacts hardly take place anymore.

Next, the previous restlessness is replaced by a feeling of inner emptiness, before a physical and/or psychological breakdown occurs in the final phase.

Preventive measures for exhaustion

Breaks should have a fixed place in the daily routine, because performance can only be maintained if body and soul are regularly given time out. Sport can help to clear the head and release inner tension, but meditation is also very good for this purpose. Phases of tension should always alternate with phases of relaxation.

If you notice that you are reaching your limits, you should consciously take some time off for a longer period of time. A week of vacation, in which one’s own well-being comes first, brings the organism back into balance and makes it possible to start everyday life again with renewed vigor after the break.

Since in the case of burnout, those affected could be unable to work for months or even years, it still makes sense to take out occupational disability insurance.

When in doubt, see a doctor

Not everyone who experiences a phase of exhaustion and listlessness is suffering from burnout syndrome. For example, iron deficiency can also be a cause of exhaustion and persistent fatigue. However, those who are unable to cope with everyday life for a longer period of time and feel burnt out and empty inside should not hesitate and consult a doctor.

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